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January 26th, 2021

Ken Lange

So, ah, it's been an interesting start to the year. Thankfully, things have settled down a little in some respects...others, not so much. Things here have been a little stressful but we're getting though it like everyone else.

Storm Fall, Warden Global, Book 4 is at the editors and should be back in the near future. In the meantime, I've been focusing my efforts to getting Blighted, Plague Bearer, Book 2 laid out. Hopefully, that means there'll be noticeable progress in the near future. My plan is to have Storm Fall out in April and Blighted out for early October.

As you can tell from the photo above, the fur-babies have been keeping me busy. That's Sol waking up from his nap looking more than a little displeased with me and the camera.

I'm hoping to knock the next book out asap so I can move over to the next Vigiles Urbani/Gavin book.

Pretty much, that's all I've got for now. Stay safe, stay well, and be nice to one another.

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