I know, I've been quiet...sorry about that. With all the hurricanes, pandemic, and general shit show that is 2020 it's been difficult to keep up, but I will try to do better going forward. Maybe not weekly but I'll try to get on a better schedule with this.
There is some Good News however, I've been busy with work. Audio for Fall of Eleazar which will be out November 3rd, 2020 has started coming in for me to proof. Over the next few weeks to a month I should have a finished blurb for you as well.
I've also made some pretty decent headway on Storm Fall, Warden Global, Book 4. It'll be the fist book in Year three. If you're curious how to tell which year is which, let me assist you.
Year One = Blue Covers
Year Two = Orange Covers
Year Three = Green Covers
It's my hope to make each year a specific color so you can tell at a glance.
Over the years I've been asked what the preferred reading order is, my answer is simple you can either read them in the book order of the series. OR you can go through them chronologically. I'll post the chronological list below.
Year One: (Blue Covers)
1) Accession of the Stone Born - (Vigiles Urbani Chronicles) 2) The Wanderer Awakens - (Warden Global) 3) Sleipnir’s Heart - (Warden Global) 4) Rise of the Storm Bringer - (Warden Global) 5) Dust Walkers - (Vigiles Urbani Chronicles) 6) Lamia's Curse - (Warden Global) 7) Shades of Fire & Ash - (Vigiles Urbani Chronicles)
Year Two: (Orange Covers)
1) Children of the Storm - (Warden Global) 2) Dawning - (Plague Bearer) 3) Shattered Peace - (Vigiles Urbani Chronicles) 4) Fall of Eleazar - (Withering)
Year Three: (Green Covers)
1) Storm Fall (Warden Global) 2) Blighted (Plague Bearer)
There is no wrong way to read the books, but if you want to see the larger picture as you go, chronological will likely help with that.
For now, that's all I've got. Hope you're safe, healthy, and in a good place.